martes, 9 de abril de 2013

fifth book

Sleeping Beauty

This story is about a queen who has a beautiful daughter named Aurora and engage with a child in your party but this baby is not invited to the most wicked fairy so this was presented to her party cursing that when she turned 16 years will prick her finger with a hospital and die for what the remote kingdom burn all uses and at night they take three adas whom care until that age and she is going to a castle so the witch meets amenasa and makes your sewing all find out and close all crying but the fairies are on the prince who faces the witch turned into dragon and logr love to kiss her so the saving it

Personal Opinion

This was marvelous book that shows the true love they have all Aurora as also the prince, as well as also the destination and is made for all as the prince was already engaged to her child.


Princess Aurora
Prince Phillip
Flora, Fauna and Spring
Maleficent Witch
King Stefan and his Queen


1. Find the correct answer from the following statements

1.It is raised by 3 fairies in a forest
a) Aurora b) Flora c) Maleficent
2.He is the father of Princess
a) No father b) Phillip c) Stefan
3.They are fairy princess who adopt
a) The reyna b) Flora, Fauna and Spring c) Aurora
4.Is the wicked witch
a) Flora b) Funa c) Maleficent
5.Boyfriend is Prince and Aurora
a) Phillip b) Stefan c) has no boyfriend

2. Placed the missing word

love, witch, animals, daughter, flora, fauna and spring

1. Aurora is daughter Stefan and the Queen
2.It is one that wants to kill witch Aurora
3. flora, fauna and spring are good fairies who care for Aurora
4. Phillip is the love of Princess
5. Aurara has animals as friends

3. Answer the following questions

1. Who faced the prince on the bridge?
R. A witch turned into dragon
2. At what age would die Aurora?
R. At the16 years
3. Because I wanted to kill the witch Aurora?
R. Because if not invite party queen
4. Who cared for Aurora?
R. Flora, Fauna and Spring
5. Except as Aurora
R. Phillip Because the kiss and broke the curse

fourth book

The Lion King

This story is treated like a lion who obeyed all the animals there and had a son with a lioness which they call prince and this is very taviezo desovediente and his uncle so take advantage of that and traps him until his dad arrives and saves him, his uncle qiere adueñar of the throne and thus kills his dad and little conose flees and his friends until one day return to his throne and ask your uncle runs.

Principal Opinion

I loved it when the little prince meets his friends and change your style of living they live many adventures together and returns them


Timón y Pumba


1. Check the characteristics of each character with T for true and F if false

1. Simba is a lion still and well behaved (F)
2. Scar is the evil uncle who wants the throne Simon (T)
3. Mufasa is king of the herd and father of Simba (T(
4. Timon and Pumbaa are the worst friends Simba (F)
5. Nala is Simba's friend (T)
6. Rafiki is a bird (F)
7. Zazu is a monkey (F)
8. Shenzi is a hyena Scar friend who also wants to take the herd (T)

2. Match the names with their characteristics

1. Simba (D)
2. Nala (G)
3. Mufasa (E)
4. Scar (A)
5. Timón y Pumba (C)
6. Rafiki (H)
7. Zazu (F)
8. Shenzi (B)

a)brother of Mufasa, Simba deceives his nephew to become the
b)Scar hyena friend who also wants to take the herd
c)Simba friends who gathered in the jungle and raised
d)little lion to his uncle tricked into leaving the herd
e)king of the herd and father of Simba
f) the right of King Mufasa
g)Simba's friend since they were little
h)mono seer of the pack

3. Answer the following questions

Who is Mufasa?
R. He is the king of the jungle
What did he do with King Scar?
R. I wanted to kill to keep the throne
How did Simba Timon and Pumbaa's friend?
R. When Scar Simba escaped and entered the jungle you found

lunes, 8 de abril de 2013

third book

Tales of Mystery and imagination 

This story is treatment of a narrator who receives a letter from his friend Roderick in which he says he is very ill and needs to go see him. The narrator is Roderick's only friend since childhood, although not seen since, so he wrote the letter to him. When the narrator got home Roderick realizes that her sister Medeleine has a disease that is killing so he accompanies Roderick until the last day of her sister's life and as the doctors want to examine and do things after this very rare disease hiding in the basement after a storm and then realize that is alive so it runs Roderick and this is quda watching the moon

Personal Opinion

This story made ​​me a little unfair but nice because it shows that friends are unforgettable but come times when there are differences and some more in this case was not only the narrator's guilt if the both for not realizing


The narrator.

The narrator's wife.

The cat Pluto.

another cat


1. Imagine that the narrator in The Fall of the house of usher wrote to his wife during his visit. Use the linking words below to complete his letter.

although / and / but /  but / since / so / when / whitch / who 

Dear Sarah
I have been here for a week now. Usher was pleased to se me, although he has changed so much since our last meeting. He has a strange disease, who makes him very thin, pale and nervous. when I arrived, we have spent a lot of time together. 
I try to help him, but  his sadness is too deep, and sometimes I am frightened by his fantastic  ideas. 
Two days ago Usher's sister Madeleine died, but  I must stay here a little longer. so I hate this house og gloom and medness, I must help my friend,  which  needs me very much, since  he feels stronger, I will leave this terrible pleace for ever.
With love, Nathaniel  

2. The policemen who found the black cat wrote a report about their visit to the house. Put these sentences in order joining the parts where necessary, in order, joining the parts where necessary, in order to make their report.

1. He knocked on one of the cellar walls with his stick 
2. the owner took us down to the cellar
3. and on top of her head there was a black car with one eye 

The owner took us down to the cellar and on top of her head there was a black car with one eye. He knocked on one of the cellar walls with his stick.

3. Who, or what. was the other Wiliam Wilson? Whitch of these answers so you think is the set explanation?

1. a real person- who happens to look just like the narrator 
2. a different part of the narrato's own mind
3. somebody that the narrator imagines, in a wiking dream 
4. the good side of the narrator's character
5. a kind of ghost

second book


The story is about Don Diego de la Vega, a young noble son of a Spanish landowner who lived in the then village of Los Angeles in the early nineteenth century. Don Diego is disguised as Zorro to fight the injustices committed by the authorities and defend the oppressed.
This story ends with the death of Ramon and the revelation of the true identity of Zorro.
The zorro falls for Lolita Pulido who rescues her from the vandalism of a man and end up falling in love but rriesgo that others take advantage of his love.

Personal opinion

I really liked this story because it shows that love is also support to various hazards and the fox was very cute and fought against evil


Captain Ramon Montero
 Sergeant Garcia
Fray Felipe
 Don Alejandro de la Vega 
 Lolita Pulido
The Avengers
Don Alejandro 
Don Diego Vega 
Don Carlos 

1 Are these sentences true (T) or false(F)? Correct the false ones
a) The soldiers follow Zorro and Capture him.(F)
b) Zorro has pistol and a sword (V).
c) Zorro puts his sword to captain Ramon's head (V)
d) Captain Ramon's face becomes white (F)
e) It is a long fight and Zorro Kilis Captain Ramon (F)
f) Zorro and lolita hide inside the hacienda (T)
g) The Avengers come to rescue the governor ( F)
h) Zorro and Lolita are tree. Everyone is happy and ceers (F)
i) Zorro puts on his black mask. (T)

2. Are you hero? Take this quiz to find out!
1. When your friends so well at school 
a) your are happy for them
b) you want to do well too
c) you are a little jealous

2. When your classmates don't understand the lesson, you.
a) always help them
b) only help your frieds
c) dond' help them

 3. March the descriptions to the correct character (a-i)
a) zorro                                        b) Capitain Ramon                                    c)Don Carlos
d) Sergeant Gonzales                    e)Friat Felipe                                            f)Don Aljendro
g) Don Diego Vega                       h) The avengers                                        i)Lolita

1. (g) He is a big, strong soldier

2. (a) Fe fights for justice and protects the poor
3. (i) She is young and beatiful
4. (f) He is Don Diego's father.
5. (b) He is a Capitan of the Presidio
6. (d) He is Lolita's a Father.
7. (c) He is always tired and is not interested
8. (e) He is a Kind, old friar.
9. (h) They want to help the poor, the natives and friars.

  first  book

Gulliver's Travel's
Gulliver was a ship's doctor. He undertook many journeys that took him to unknown lands. one day when Antilope traveling in a terrible storm broke out and all aboard drowned sailors. Gulliver swam to the edge of the beach and the next day when he woke up he realized that he could not move at that moment he saw a little person walking up to him after he saw other tiny little men with guns which threw up. treatment but was unable to free himself and fell asleep again. in his sleep he was transferred to the emperor when he awoke had food around that you had been donated by the emperor, the people were happy to have a giant in his people. despite the hospitality he wanted to return home to his family but he was given a job that was to defend the people. when there was an attack on Lilliput Gulliver managed to save the people but to find the problem by fighting negligible went to an apology. when they heard the people of Lilliput was imprisoned but the other people in town and so he was released to go home achievement.

Personal opinion

This story was kind of boring but if you read carefully you realize that it is very interesting and make tive


The peoples of Liliput
The Emperor

1.- Answer these questions 
a) What is Gulliver's profession? He is a doctor
b) Where does he work? In a ship
c) What is the name of the ship? Antílope 
d) What happens to the ship? Sank
e) What happens to the other sailors? Drowned
f) What happens to Gulliver while he is sleeping? Was tied
2.- Fill in the missing words from the next
*sheep *escape *temple *tiny *daring *city *prisoner *arrows *cattle *language
When Gulliver woke up he saw hundreds of tiny men on the beach. They shot arrows at him when he tried  to escape.Gulliver did not understand their languaje so they spoke using signs. They told him that the name of this country was Lilliput and that he was the prisoner of the Emperor.
Gulliver asked for food and they brought him sheep and some wine. They built a machine and many horses pulled Gulliver to the city. They took him to a temple where he had many visitors including the Emperor himself. People arrived from all over the city to look at him and some very daringpeople put ladders against his body and climbed up.
3.- Complete the sentences below with the correct reflexive pronoun from the box
*myself *yourself *himself *herself *itself *ourselves *yourselves *themselves
a) He's very intelligent - he taught himself French
b) Do you like our new car? We gave ourselves a present!
c) Be careful, children! You'll hurt yourself if you fall down here
d) They bought themselves a new house
e) I don't know what's wrong with this computer - it keeps turning itself off
ship embarcar
sea mar
sink hundirse
sailor marinero
lifeboats bote salvavidas
wave ola
began comenzó
drowned ahogaron
tired cansado
suddenly de repente
sight vista
ground suelo
surprised sorprendido
tried probado
machine maquina
ladders escaleras

viernes, 5 de abril de 2013


When I went to scool, my mom was talking to my dad
When I was in the store, the lady was crying


I came home, ate, did my homework, I bathed, I slept
I went to school, betweren classes, eat breakfast, between classes, I came home.


I dod my homework
I did the foot


I didn't went to school 
He wasn't a doctor


1. When do you went to the park?
2. While you were sleep ate a cake 
3. This is an apple
4. As soon as I finish my homework I will watch t.v
5. When do you went to the school
6. While you were an apple 


1. My dad brought me apples yesterday  2. Three weeks ago I went to the moures3. I had surgery last year  4. in 2012 my brother went to secondary school5. from March to June I went to the dentist6. for a long time I went to school7. for six weeks I weeks to the park 8. In the 1980's my mother was a student9. in the last century had were more animals 10. in the past I was a bird 


1. Maricarmen worked in this marked
2. My friend was playing  with my dog in the park
3. I had a boyfriend for three months
4. I had the hope to have a boyfried
5. She did not udes to eat vegetables before the accident
6. He didn't go to sleep
7. Rodolfo did not go to theater to eat
8. Did you eat vegetables lately?
9. She is Diana Bustos Sanchez?
10. Is she the handsome boyfriend?
1. I used to feel love for my boyfriend
2. I used to make food for three years
3. I slept so comfortable before having teddies 
5. I fel Able to fall in love with him
6. I loved his then derness
7. I ran a fter the truck to follow
8. I created him love letters
9. I smiled on their cheeks 
10. I sang to devote my voice to he


Change the verbs in the following sentences in to pastense 
1. Yesterday, I went to the restaurant with a client.
2. We were around the parking lat for 20 minutes in order to find a parking space
3. When were  arrive at the restaurant, the pleace was fult.
4. The waitress asked us if we have reservations
5. I said, "No, my secretary forgets to make them
6. The waitress told us to come back in two hours
7. My client and I slowly walked back to the car
8. Then we will see a small grocery story
9. We stop in the grocery and bought some sadwiches
10. That was better than wai ting for two hours
Corret the mistakes in the following sentences
1. Samantha tapeworm pizza for supper last night
2. My lizard died last month
3. I spent two hours cleaning my laving room yesterday
4. Jack ate two bowls of cereal, this morning before coming to class
5. What has happened to your leg?
Police Officer: Hello. 24th Precinct. Officer Jones speaking.
Man: Help. Yeah, uh, it was wild, I mean really bizarre.
Police Officer: Calm down sir! Now, what do you want to reporty?
Man: Well, I'd like to report a UFO sighting.
Police Officer: A what?
Man: What do you mean "what?" An unidentified flying object!
Police Officer: Wait, tell me exactly what you saw.
Man: Well, I was driving home from a party about three hours ago, so it was about 2:00 AM, when I saw this bright light overhead.
Police Officer: Okay. And then what happened?
Man: Oh, man. It was, well, out of this world. I stopped to watch the light when it disappeared behind a hill about a kilometer ahead of me.
Police Officer: Alright. Then what?
Man: Well, I got back in my car and started driving toward where the UFO landed.
Police Officer: Now, how do you know it was a UFO? Perhaps you only saw the lights of an airplane [No], or the headlights of an approaching car [No]. Things like that happen, you know.
Man: Well if it was that, how do you explain "the BEAST"?
Police Officer: What do you mean, "the BEAST"?
Man: Okay. I kept driving for about five minutes when all of a sudden, this giant, hairy creature jumped out in front of my car.
Police Officer: Oh, yeah.Then what?
Man: Well, then, the beast picked up the front of my car and said, "Get out of the car. I'm taking you to my master!" Something like that.
Police Officer: Wow? A hairy alien who can speak English! Come on!
Man: I'm not making this up, if that's what you're suggesting. Then, when I didn't get out of the car, the beast opened the car door, carried me on his shoulders  to this round-shaped flying saucer, and well, that's when I woke up along side the road. The beast must knocked me out and left me there.
Police Officer: Well, that's the best story I've heard all night, sir. Now, have you been taking any medication, drugs, or alcohol in the last 24 hours? You mentioned you went to a party.
Man: What? Well, I did have a few beers, but I'm telling the truth.
Police Officer: Okay, okay. We have a great therapist that deals with THESE kinds of cases.
Man: I'm not crazy.
Police Officer: Well, we'll look into your story. Thank you.

1. Where was the man coming from wenn he first saw
A) He was returning hom from the UFO?
a party
2. What time did the man report the icident to the police
C) about 5:00 am
3. What jumped out in frant of the mansco?
C) Aharry alien 
4. What happened nex to the man?
C) He was arried to a spaceship
5. What does the police office suggest at the encl of the stary 
A) The man should seek cousenling


1. I will brush my haird
2. I will bathe
3. I will go to scool in an hour
4. I will go to the movies witch my boyfriend on Monday
5. I'm not going to London tomorrow 
6. I'm not going to play my flute to the truck
7. I will not play football on tuesday
8. What are you going to eat on Monday?
9. Where are you going to go tomorrow?
10. What are you going playing on wednesday?
11. I well go to Paris with my brothers to buy clothes
12: Prowed a bank account to save my money
13. Hide every thing what reminds me of you 
14. I' ll beby your side forever 
15. Will not attempl mare study
16. I will not cry for you
17. I never give because I love you
18. Will you be with me forever?
19. When will you ba back with me?
20. Will you always love me?
21. I'm going to go to Diana, parck
22. I'm going to eat with my brother
23. I'm going to dance with my sister
24. I'm going to student to the park
25. I'm going to play to the sports
26. I'm going to drink with my causing 
27. I'm going to visit to my mother 
28. I'm going to go to the park
29. I'm going to cleant the t.v
30. I'm going to jump with jan in law
31. I'm not going to play football with brother 
32. I'm not going to drink with my causing 
33. I'm not going eat at four 
34. I'm not going makes gim bet
35. I'm not going to visit to sister 
36. I'm not going to go to the park
37. I'm not going to dance with my mother
38. I'm not going to eat with my brother
39. I'm not going to clean the t.v
40. I'm not going to jum with my brother
41. What are you to eat?
42. Where are you to drink?
43. Who are ypu to student?
44. What are you to visit to the park?
45. Where are you to check to the cas?
46. Who are you to dane in Mother?
47. Who are you to go to the park?
48. What are you to ate chiken?
49. Where are ypu to played football?
50. Who are you to took to the T.V?
51. I'm will paint my books
52. I'm will like to the scuert
53. I'm not will dod my homework
54. I'm not will drink my scuert
55. I'm not wiil paint my closet
56. I'm not will jump with my mother
57. What are you speak with you father?
58. Where are ypu cleaded my bet?
59. Who are you went a park?
60. What are you student ingles? 

Chose a level

Whitch word ( or words ) is the verb in this sentence?
1. at 10 o'clock I was having dinner
* having
2. We were going to the cinema tonight
* we were going
3. Are you hungry 
* are you
4. I don't know the formula for the area of rectangle
* know
5. Last week Reese took his cildren to the swimming
* took
6. I was living in Glasgow in 1972
* was living
7. My Friend Fiona will love this music
* will love 
8. Your sister always goes on holiday for a long time
* goes
9. The film will begin in five minutes
* will begin
10. What type of boycle is this?
* is 

Choose the right verb from
1. Eating too much fatty food leads to heart problems
2. Can you hear the birds singing in the trees?

3. If you want to pass this exam, you must work hard
4. In about an byr George is going to be a father
 is going
5. Every Tuesday the pinter visits her grandmother

6. Last week, the printer needed to be fixed

7. This souo needs more salt
8. When this work is finished I will be a happy woman

will be
9. On Wednesdat, Nyona visits the British Museun

10. Are you thinking about your future?


Re- write these sentence
1. The childen will eat biscuits and drink lemonade
* The childen ate biscuits and drank lemonade
2. I forget what time the party starts
* I forgot what time the party started
3. The couser lasts three months and ends in June
* The course will last three months and will end in June
4. Wow! How slim you look!
* Wow! How slim you looked!
5. Courtenay is saving up for an Mp3 player
* Courtenay will save up for an Mp3 player
6. She cooked a family meal every sunday
* She cooks a family broke
8. The disk holds all the iformation
* The disk hold all the information
9. The explorers walked 300 miles in 3 days
* The explorers walk300 milesin 3 days
10. I see that the scenary in Scotland is stunning
* I saw that the scenery in Scotland was stunning

1. I've bought a guide books__Now i'm going to find a hotel
2. I've joined the gym club__I'm going to exercise regularly
3. I've bought some nicotine patches__ I'm going to stop smokin
4. He's really annoying me__I'm going to get angry
5. I've just bought a bike__I'm going to cycleto work
6. Mission Impossible is on Tv tonight__ Are you going to watch it?
7. My car is dirty__I'm going to take it to the car wash
8. I'm going to redecorate the sitting room__ I'm going to paint it yellow
9. We've just got engaged__ We're going to get married in June

1. What are you going to wear?
2. Are you going to sell your house?
3. What color are you going to paint the kitchen?
4. What are you going to do?
5. Where are you going to stay?
6. When are you going to tell him?

1. I'm hundry I' m going to make a sandwich
2. Sue and Carl are expecting their third child so they' re going to look for a bigger house
3. It's a beatiful day. I' m going to go for a walk
4. I'll just phone Raphael to say I' m going to be late
5. I've got the application forms. I'm going to enrol on the course.
6. What are you going to do abour it?
7. I' m not going to tell him. He doesn't need to know
8. Put a sweater on. You' re going to get cold

1. Steve has got his tennis raquette__He is going to play tennis
2. Paul's in the kirchen__He's going to cook dinner
3. Look at those black do uds__ It's going to rain
4. Sophie and Felicity are going to the supermarket__ They are going to but something for dinner
5. Felicity is getting her credit card out of her bag__ She's going to pay
6. Andrew is studying medecine__ He's going to be a doctor
7. Be careful__ You're going to drop it.

1._They are going to buy the food
2._Max is going to play barketball
3._Jack and Jill are going to get some water
4._Your sister is going to tell you the story
5._It is going to rain today
6._You and Max are goingt to take a break
7._We are going to have a party
8._She is going to stay in a hotel
9._I am going to eat pizza
10._You and I are going to invite all of our friends

1. You (drink not) any coffe
* Aren't going to go drink
2. Jack and Jill (go not) up the hill
* Aren't going to go
3. Jogn and Jane (watch not) television tonight
* Aren't going to wath
4. He (jog not) in the park tomorrow morning
* Isn't going to jog
5. Mary (smoke not) a cigarette
* Isn't going to smoke
6. Marvin (dance not) at the party
* Isn't going to dance
7. John (shop not) at the mall
* Isn't going to shop
8. Mary (draw not) s picture
* Isn't going to draw
9. Max (ride not) his bicycle
* Isn't going to ride
10. You (be not) surplised
* Aren't going to be

1. Max/ ride a bicycle to work
* Is max going to ride a bicycle to work?
2. Max/ write to his mother
* Is Max going to write to his mother?
3. Max and Mary/ invite us
* Are Max and Mary going to invite us?
4. You/ draw a picture
* Are you going to draw a picture?
5. Mary/ eat the last slice of pizza
* Is mary going to eat the last slice of pizza?
6. John and Mary/ come over
* Are John and Mary going to come over?
7. John/ clean that mess
* Is John going to clean that mess?
8. He/ take a shower
* Is he going to take a shower?
9. She/ make coffe
* Is she going to make coffe?
10. Jane/ run the race
* Is Jane going to run the race?

Telling the time

1. How do you say the following time? 3:30
* It's half past three
2. How do you say the following time? 16:00
* It's fous o'clock
3. How do you say the following time? 3:45
* It's three forty five
4. How do you say the following time? 6:02
* It's just gone six
5. How do you say the following time? 2:57
* All of the answers are correct
6. In the army, they are very exact about time-How would a soldier express the following? 16:00
* Sixten hundred hours

Weather listening
1. What's the weather like at the beach? 
* Sunny and warm
2. What's the weather like in the mountains?
* Cold and snowy
3. What's the weather like at the lake?
* Rainy

Weather reading
The windy city
1. When do the leaves change colors in Chicago?
* Fall
2. When is it humid?
* Summer
3. When do people plant gardens?

4. When do people prepare fot winter
* fall
5. When does it snow?
* Winter

Practica (Pronunciation)
1. cut
2. dog
3. cuff
4. boss
5. long
6. done
7. but
8. song
9. bog
10. lust
11. Russ
12. rung

Vocabulario del tiempo en ingles  
1. Synun
* Sunny
2. Mhundi
* Humid
3. Yloduc
* Cloudy
4. Goygf
* Faggy
5. Nariy
* Rainy
6. Nosw
* Snow

1. It's too cold in the mountains
2. In the spring the weather is great
3. Sometimes it rains or we get thunderstorms
4. The leaves change colors
5. It's very hot and sunny at the beach

Family ties
1. My grandmother's hus band is__my grand father
2. My mother's grandmother is__my great grandmother
3. My brother's sister is__my sister too
4. My daughter's son is__my grandson
5. My aunt and unche's claughter is__my causin
6. My causin's father is__my uncle
7. My wife's mother is__my mother-in-law
9. My daughter's brother is__my son
10. My parent's only child is__me, of course

Possessive Pronouns and Adjetives 1
1. Was your grammar book expensive'
2. We gave them our telephone number, and they gave us theirs
3. This bird has broke its wing
4. These grammar books are diferent. Yours has 278, but minehas only 275
5. My telephone is our of order, but his is working
6. Your computer is a Mac, but mine is a PC
7. You can't have any chocolate! it's mine 
8. Jody has last her book
9. Junko has eaten her lunch a ready, but I'm saving mineuntil later.

The Mysterious Volkswagen 2
Last week, we had a party at our house. Many people came, and there were lots of cais parked outside. At the end of th party, only three peolpe were left: my self, Eric, and Cathy. Mowerrer, there were four cars. One of them was Volkswagen, I didn't remember seeing it before, so I asked whose it was.
Eric said it wasn't his car. His is chevrolet pickup said no -her car is a Ford Explorer. I knew it wasn't my car, of course. Finaly. I celled the police and they came and examined it. They said it belonged to a family on the next street. someone store in from their street and left it on ours.

Possessive Pronouns and adjetives 3
1. That was your plane
* that plane was yours
2. is this our bus?
* is this bus ours?
3. This was their house
* This house was theirs
4. These are my pens
* These pens are mine
5. is this your siutcase?
* is this suitcase yours?
6. This will be your room
* this room will be yours
7. will this be my desk?
* will this desk be mine?
8. Are those his shoes?
* Are those shoes his?