jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

My fifth book

Gulliver's Travel's

Gulliver was a ship's doctor. He undertook many journeys that took him to unknown lands. one day when Antilope traveling in a terrible storm broke out and all aboard drowned sailors. Gulliver swam to the edge of the beach and the next day when he woke up he realized that he could not move at that moment he saw a little person walking up to him after he saw other tiny little men with guns which threw up. treatment but was unable to free himself and fell asleep again. in his sleep he was transferred to the emperor when he awoke had food around that you had been donated by the emperor, the people were happy to have a giant in his people. despite the hospitality he wanted to return home to his family but he was given a job that was to defend the people. when there was an attack on Lilliput Gulliver managed to save the people but to find the problem by fighting negligible went to an apology. when they heard the people of Lilliput was imprisoned but the other people in town and so he was released to go home achievement.

 *I really enjoyed this story as the others because I got bored and is very long but the story is original and creative but I found interesting.


ship embarcar
sea mar
sink hundirse
sailor marinero
lifeboats bote salvavidas
wave ola
began comenzó
drowned ahogaron
tired cansado
suddenly de repente
sight vista
ground suelo
surprised sorprendido
tried probado
machine maquina
ladders escaleras
1.- Answer these questions 
a) What is Gulliver's profession? He is a doctor
b) Where does he work? In a ship
c) What is the name of the ship? Antílope 
d) What happens to the ship? Sank
e) What happens to the other sailors? Drowned
f) What happens to Gulliver while he is sleeping? Was tied
2.- Fill in the missing words from the next
*sheep *escape *temple *tiny *daring *city *prisoner *arrows *cattle *language
When Gulliver woke up he saw hundreds of tiny men on the beach. They shot arrows at him when he tried  to escape.Gulliver did not understand their languaje so they spoke using signs. They told him that the name of this country was Lilliput and that he was the prisoner of the Emperor.
Gulliver asked for food and they brought him sheep and some wine. They built a machine and many horses pulled Gulliver to the city. They took him to a temple where he had many visitors including the Emperor himself. People arrived from all over the city to look at him and some very daringpeople put ladders against his body and climbed up.
3.- Complete the sentences below with the correct reflexive pronoun from the box
*myself *yourself *himself *herself *itself *ourselves *yourselves *themselves
a) He's very intelligent - he taught himself French
b) Do you like our new car? We gave ourselves a present!
c) Be careful, children! You'll hurt yourself if you fall down here
d) They bought themselves a new house
e) I don't know what's wrong with this computer - it keeps turning itself off

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